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Jiggle Shows rely on this trope for their success since they heavily rely on Fanservice.Ĭrosses over into Truth in Television, as there are many, many films, TV series and literary works that are known primarily for sex scenes or other suggestiveness and not for their plot, acting, etc. Ultimately, large portions of the public may end up knowing nothing else about the work. At times this effect can become self-perpetuating: the mainstream audience first discovers a work due to its fanservice, and when word starts to spread about it, the fanservice is what newcomers hear about first as well.

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Don't laugh- Shannon Elizabeth and Denise Richards got years of movie roles because of this trope thanks to American Pie and Wild Things respectively. This can be so powerful and effective in Hollywood that the Hollywood Hype Machine will go into overdrive and make an actress who bared all (or most) of herself an instant, overnight household name. This is the common tendency for fanservice to overshadow everything else about a work, regardless of the amount that actually occurs in it (sometimes the most remembered bit of fanservice actually comes from promotional materials, which don't accurately depict what actually happens in the show).

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This trope refers to the actions of characters rather than characterization. Or, in an even more extreme case, a penis when it pops up on-screen. What everyone remembers, however, is the female lead's striptease in the Sweeps one year. It could have had great humor, brilliant action sequences, diabolical villains or even philosophical ideas that could make you think.

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